Podložak za bocu izrađen od Jesmonita, u obliku suze zanimljivog dizajna može biti mjesto za pohranu sitnica, ali i boca vina i vode ili ulja za vrijeme večere. Zadivite svoje prijatelje dizajnerskim dodacima vašem interijeru.Super moć: Ovo je materijal koji je nježan za vaše površine. U prijevodu: ne grebe ih i zato nema nikakvu zaštitu na dnu samog predmeta. Ne zapaljiv.________________________________A coaster made of Jesmonite, in the shape of a teardrop of interesting design can be a place to store small things, but also a bottle of wine and water or oil during dinner. Amaze your friends with a designer addition to your interior.Superpower: This is a material that is gentle for your surfaces. In translation: do not scratch them and therefore have no protection at the bottom of the object itself.